Monday, December 18, 2006

Honeywell Chronotherm 4 Plus Installation

¡Feliz Navidad! San Sebastian + Bilbao

Here's a quick summary of the notable events of the past week (s):

to work was lately a lot to do, the project, where I currently staff, should preferably be completed this year. This will draw clean but probably not until next year ...
Last Friday evening I was in a tapas bar in the whole Near my apartment at the birthday celebration of Jorge - one of my colleagues and friends from work. Da 'for quite a lot of people were there, and Free Beer was also - best atmosphere was thus guaranteed.
the day after, Saturday night was a small Christmas party held in my ex-WG in Gran Via, which was also a small farewell party of several people there, because they will not come back after Christmas. The door of one room was once again hanging out and as interest-board "abused". Nice, was that some people had cooked something typical of their country - we have tried out all times. Thus gave example of Poland's Tortellini in beetroot soup and potato pancakes (sweet and savory), Germany Käsespätzle and crepes from France . All very tasty. This gave it homemade mulled red wine, and Glühfix reingeschnippelten fruit and cookies, which Annette had baked that afternoon in my apartment here because I have a stove. Meanwhile, the party shifted into Bertrand's room, where just Baptiste Bertrand and a few songs Schramm sparkled on her guitar. At 2 we went away eventually left - part to the capital (where I was and what ever I do not necessarily do that again must be * g *) and the rest after Malasaña in a rock pub.
On the following Sunday afternoon I had to rouse very nice to get up despite the fatigue and to pay again the Rastro market a visit. Here I bought souvenirs and other gifts one, because I wanted to take it all now been to Germany since the end of my stay is Madrid's determined again just with the baggage allowance of 20 kg.
And Monday I finally have "burger night" a little when I held in the apartment where we ate hamburgers prepared and self. Besides my roommate Juan (Jesús could not unfortunately) still had Anja, Cuba (a Polish couple, the tenant of my room in Gran Vía are) and Arnaud here. I had me a little bit of speculation in the hamburger patties. Actually I wanted the fact frozen (as usual in Germany) now, but that's not here. So I bought fresh ground beef (which was first filmed in front of my eyes fresh through the meat grinder) and was quite amazed when I had to pay for 1,200 grams of 10 €. But the burgers were tasty but also of the greatest - and the evening a success.

Now it is so back for a week to Germany, more precisely to Cottbus, where Christmas is traditionally celebrated all the family. Of course I also hope many times friends to see again. On the evening of 29 December, I will then be back here in Madrid, eventually I will celebrate New Year's definitely here. On that note: Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 11, 2006

How Is Inside Of A Vigana

came after a three-hour bus ride I then on Thursday evening on my last leg of my mini-tour of Spain - in Bilbao in beautiful Basque Country . I wondered if we in public life something of the ongoing effort for decades for independence of the Basque country and would thus note-related "freedom struggle" of the English underground organization ETA . But nothing, absolutely nothing - the people here are just as friendly as anywhere else in Spain too (if somewhat reserved and not quite as open, they prefer to remain "among themselves"). Even now that you would find a special patriotism here, I can not confirm (with my superficial view) - the public image is (as prescribed by law as in Catalonia), not even by an award of the signs or business in a language other "disturbed "; although Basque or" Euskara "- which is extremely interesting in the sense that it is unrelated to any other language - and there are also spoken.

enough talk - So after I got off the bus, I rode the Metro a good 15 minutes with my next one (again via Couchsurfing found) host agreed location, where he then waited even to me. And again I had scored a real hit. My next host was Gary, an Englishman from near Norwich , who now lives in a year in Bilbao. He works there as an English teacher and takes the opportunity to polish his English. It benefits him, that he is with two Argentines and a English woman (all around my age) shares an apartment - and what a! First is the booth huge with a wonderfully large kitchen and an even larger Living room (in addition, each roommate of course his own room), yet is also an attic. And the view - if one looks out the living room window, one can on a small harbor, beach and watch the ocean, of course - amazing! The whole cost him grad even half of what I pay here in Madrid ... the undisputed king of the WG is "Mono" (in German: monkey * haha *), a small, almost 1 year old dog that all WG keeps busy. I was then very often the early (just like against 10) abgeschlabbert first, because I in the living room where I slept on a (2 x 1.60 m) wide mattress, natural light "Prey" for him :-). Gary is the way a vegetarian, but not out of conviction because the animals do it so sorry, but it is more or less become a fad, now he has realized that he can get along quite well (or even better) without meat. But he makes every day but the effort and extensively with the finest ingredients to cook. The 3 days I was able to convince me of his cooking skills, we have almost always early (was also there's often something warm, and always fresh-squeezed orange juice) and eating dinner together.

The first "real" day in Bilbao, so on Friday, Gary had a day off, and made the proposal on its own, whether we wanted to not go together in his car to San Sebastián (where he himself was also never previously). Perfect, I was immediately there - I had it before my trip even considered, in which of the two Basque towns I drive (and me, despite the San Sebastián commonly referred to as the tourist attractive town is decided for Bilbao) - and now I could almost two birds with one stone. So we grabbed still mono, for the whole thing was of course a welcome adventure - and off we went, the 100 km from San Sebastián . There, we took a stroll through the old town, a piece went to the coast with very rough seas, and later along the beach and finally we went with a cable car up a hill where there is a small amusement park, and from which one the "best view of the world" how there can read up on a plate. In between we have let us taste of course some delicious tapas at two bars that were particularly tasty - not for nothing that enjoys the reputation of San Sebastián, that the best chefs and the best cuisine in Spain can be found. It was certainly a thoroughly successful trip, and accordingly broken We were also, as we got home.

The next day I explored it on your own Bilbao, as Gary gave lessons in the morning. I must say that I liked the city and the countryside Bilbao almost better than Barcelona - everything is green, very clean and well maintained. Bilbao is also superbly situated along a river, which flows to the north of Bilbao to the Atlantic Ocean and surrounded by green mountains. For this it is not nearly as densely populated as a real city, so everything looks a little familiar, but not the village character. So a city in which I could easily imagine to live (apart of it that I slightly warmer areas with more sun but would be preferred). The Basque country is one of the wealthiest areas of the country and it shows. On the other hand, Bilbao is therefore not just a party stronghold, the people maintain their workers' Image and ;-) are, as already mentioned something reserved, what should be but it is not misunderstood as unfriendly. Main attraction (and rather then actually there's also much less), the Guggenheim Museum , which stands alone by his spectacular appearance in the eye. Since that Saturday was still rainy, I spent well over 4 hours in this museum and just looked me at all 3 levels with both permanent collections and current exhibitions with works of African artists. The latter in particular was quite interesting, while not really me, the permanent collections of stools down. Whatever the case, in the evening we met up again with Gary, to a show of young artists in a theater to watch (where among others took part in his English flat mate). The spectrum ranged from spectacular acrobatics juggling and magic tricks, and through the nearly 3-hour program was run by two clowns. Everything was only semi-professional, but somehow the whole thing went so well, and the mostly young audience (18 to 30 years old) acknowledged some performances with thunderous applause and enthusiastic interjections - a very successful event. Then we went with some other friends Gary's in a hall where the whole just experienced "artist" and a lot of met people more to the after-show party "and honed further tricks or just a couple of beers and other beverages were to be ;-).

And the next day was Sunday and even then so my first last "holiday" in which I, after the long night before sleeping off for now. After a last meal together, I said goodbye to Gary, and ran for 2 hours through the city before then in the early evening by bus back to Madrid was where I finally arrived at about 11 clock. It is time again to work two weeks before it goes for 1 week over Christmas in a well-deserved "vacation home" to Germany.

Low Cost Sherwanis Wanna Find In Dubai

went to the terrific football game's on to the hostel to pick up our bags and then on to the bus station "North". There, Jacob's and then parted my ways - he went back to Madrid, while I took the bus to Zaragoza . There I came around 4:30 clock in completely exhausted - and so I did it to me first on one of the waiting seats in the small bus station waiting room "comfortable." And as long until I was awakened about 1 hour by a loud roar around. One type of the "Guardia Civil " was important and wanted to throw out a homeless man, but the "defended" loudly. After looking at the spectacle of 10 minutes had looked, I grabbed my bag and went (not because I was afraid to be kicked out - what would have happened not - but to sleep was at the crash not to think anymore so I walked. the next 5 hours through the icy cold morning Zaragoza, was looking at the city and warmed up and there in some localities (eg in your station building, which by the way huge, fairly new, and the interior architecture is quite interesting - you have to almost always zig-zag to run from one end to come to another). The "problem" in addition to the already relatively chilly temperatures was mainly constant wind, which, as I learned later, out cold air from the mountains with him and is very typical of Zaragoza. Zaragoza would have probably called the "Windy City" deserves at least as well as Chicago :-). At first glance, seemed a rather sad place Zaragoza with many new buildings and some interesting places and buildings to be, but the longer I ran, the more change that impression. The city is also currently in a break anyway, since Zaragoza will be hosting the 2008 World Expo .

To 10:30 then signed up eventually by phone my host Jorge, I had the Couch Surfing Project found - a funny guy, who had studied for 5 years in London, but finally returned it to Spain and loves to travel. He described to me the way by bus - and half an hour we met already at the bus stop near his apartment. After I had parked my luggage in his room, we went even further to stroll the same second Part ;-) - but this time just with "qualified" leader. After we had checked off the cultural section with a visit to the Museo Provincial ";-), Jorge showed me a (tapas) Bar, where's the best calamari -Bocadillos gives the city - super tasty. Then we collected on 3 Polish girls, who hitchhiked from Vitoria (Basque Country) to Barcelona and would be quartered in the short term also for a night with Jorge. So back to the apartment, where there was then first a hot strong coffee, which did after the cold twice as good, and where we chatted five determined 2 hours, where everyone was before, where it was especially nice, and where's your next destination yet. Finally, we went again to the city, where we looked at the main attractions. First and foremost are the two Churches " Basilica del Pilar "(the largest Baroque building in Spain) and the Catedral de la Seo" and a Roman amphitheater, which was by chance only a few years ago discovered in the middle of the center to call. What do the walk but only really made perfect, were Jorge's remarks and explanations - he had almost every attraction still an interesting story at hand. On the evening made back then still a "Tapas" tour of some bars that were close in the old town packed. We also ate the best "patatas bravas" of the world * g *, as was in some newspaper and magazine articles in the window bar of such a read. But they were really damn tasty. Incidentally, I discovered my favorite beer in Spain, "Ambar", which is just brewed in and around Zaragoza and drunk (which I was in Madrid but so far have not yet seen). And with several glasses of this tasty brew, we let the evening then in another bar near Jorge's end apartment. I also slept fine, had a big bed (freshly made!) But just for me. The next morning, then each went his own way - Jorge had on a business trip in any other English city and the girls hitchhiked towards Barcelona, allowing me enough time to exit my bus in the afternoon departure Bilbao was to do it again photos of all places, where we were the day before. Since I had my camera but because of empty batteries while - overnight but then I could just charge it. Overall it was a really good stay, which I will mainly stay by my first couchsurfing super positive experience with good memories. I can just anyone who is just a bit open-minded, to suggest - not only that you are saving money to sleep for it, but also learns just nice people, showing an example of the city or with whom you can easily share experiences. I would have never known example of its own from the bar with the squid-Bocadillos or Ambar beer. Clearly had I'm sure a bit of luck that now was a rousing success impacting the same so basically I think that people who sign up for a cause like Couchsurfing (and not just for "Accommodation-parasitic" abuse ;-)), should be, by nature, interesting or "cool".

What Do You Write In A Best Friends Wedding Card?

Zaragoza vs FC Barcelona. Werder Bremen Barcelona

On the evening of 5:12:06 It was then at last so far - I had the honor ;-) decisive game for a place in the Round of 16 of this year's UEFA Champions League in the largest stadium in Europe - the "Camp Nou in Barcelona - live witness on the ground, my second Champions League game on within 2 weeks. Jacob and I were the days have been previously excited, but now - so an hour before game - was the (at) voltage with deeds. And what was that uplifting moment - when we went to the stair climb (by the way, everything is still nice walk - and not so distinguished by escalator, as in Santiago Bernau) could see at last went out, and the interior in all its glory. A football temple for 98 600 spectators - an act of madness. There must beat every football fan's heart simply higher. And with each minute, the stadium filled more - after all, there were just over 96,000 people who watched the show - what a setting! This one finally agreed einheizen (announcer), the far earlier than 1 hour before kick-off at the time the nearly empty stadium (Spaniards tend to just come to the kick-off) on the task at hand, all with pathos viiiiiel * g *. But not only the Barca fans were in high spirits, even the attachment was properly Werder mood (as it was in fact the La-Ola-Welle by Werder blocks). The Constellations still short, ran on for Werder: Wiese - C. Fritz, Mertesacker, Naldo, Wome - Frings - D. Jensen, Borowski, Diego - Klose, Hugo Almeida, while Barcelona took up as follows: Victor Valdes - Zambrotta, Marquez R., Puyol, Van Bronckhorst - Motta - Iniesta - Deco - Giuly, Gudjohnsen, Ronaldinho.
And then it finally went off. The atmosphere was overwhelming. What struck me first when compared with the Santiago Bernabeu, was that in Barcelona, not as many tourists (like me * g *) were in the stadium * g *) in the stadium was, but real thoroughbred fans (the will, however, when "important" games, according to my colleague, the member is also not be different from real). Since it is really gone along with every ball, and often 's just applause when one has been able to leave Barca an opponent. Ronaldinho is simply the God anyway - could do what he wanted - if that was on the ball, buchstäblicherweise everyone held their breath, and then into an ecstatic "Uhhhh" or just go frenetic applause. Even if something failed (which I think is quite often occurred that night) and he held the ball as a teammate to fit into touch, there was a decency applause. Bremen times or if the ball was and tried to create a creative action, the fans began after a few seconds on to start a deafening chorus of whistles - and it did not take long until the "wall" had the desired effect and are quite right in the ball unchallenged into the From or the opponent playing in his legs. I will not even begin it, what was going on as Barca scored the goals - I was just happy that the staion has endured so ;-). Overall, it was not the best performance, so set in Bremen on the day (especially when you consider how his opponents Werder mostly dominated the Bundesliga). So then was the 2-0 half-time from Barca fully deserved - but would Bremen to a significant increase in performance in the second half, at least not yet had earned the first goal ... that as be, we have seen a really good football game, and the (at least on this evening) Better has progressed.