Thursday, January 25, 2007

Good Congratulations Messages For Marriagew

Last weekend was once again a city trip to - or more precisely's us wound up in Salamanca . We were also warnings from some other people (eg one of my colleagues) that Salamanca is to be at this season not as fit as party at other times (because now is exam time) does not deviate from this longstanding project. We - that were 10 German (Susie, Jessica, Peter, Constantine, Andrew, Deike, Franzi, Corinna, Matthew, I) and our 2 "token foreigners" ;-) (Francesco from Italy and Suse Intercambio - I omitted the name is ledi :-(). It was also the last (and, actually, first)) Clearance with Andrew, with whom I had in Madrid some great party nights, as he begin a week later back home (had to).
I can take it right away - it was once again a successful weekend and a great "school trip" - as some fellow travelers festtellten already on the way there. This impression could actually win if you look at the lively atmosphere on the bus watched. Strengthens the whole thing was still, all twelve of us (!) In a room in which was even room for 20 men were billeted.

What ultimately turned out, should keep the Salamanca connoisseurs with their prophecies right - there were not many actually partywütige Salamancaner road (which was true for Friday and Saturday night) (?). Added to the above came on the first day very modest weather - it was cold, wet and foggy. Nevertheless, we of course have seen many funny things. The first night's moved us because we were all very hungry, in a restaurant should first distinguish what is alleged by his (Erasmus) student-friendly prices. That was indeed not be so, and the food was nothing special - neither plentiful nor particularly tasty, but we were at least satisfied voreerst. Then we had the glorious idea, a Botellón on the Plaza Mayor - ie the central and great place that is usually the Prunktstück of every major English city - organize our selbstmitgebrachten rum and cola. We were already aware that the English authorities - around the express times nice - not welcome (in good German: forbidden), but in our youthful frivolity and the confidence that they would with us foreigners already turn a blind eye , did not give us that can hold. And so it happened as it had to: After not too long ago was suddenly a police car took home near us, and a police officer the remaining bottles of alcohol, while the other "nice" Lord gathered up our passports. Then we were allowed to listen to us 10 minutes, which we knew anyway (so that it is not allowed in Spain, to make matters worse, he noted also that we had a Spaniard there and asked why he, though he know the law in this "fun" to participate), but eventually we got all our passports back without what really happened. Most hurt his last sentence: "How can you also be so stupid and make all things on the Plaza Mayor a Botellón" (ie on good German: If anything, but please not that on a public Place ;-)). Tjaja, we asked ourselves then - shame about the great alcohol ... But we can also so have fun, and so it staggered us on the evening initially in a large Irish pub, where some of us could even shake a leg ;-). And then we went to Andrew and me with a friend of his girlfriend and their English in a English disco, from which we then dragged from 5:30 to go home.

The next day was first announced sightseeing, although the weather at first not really invited to (it was still wet and cold and foggy). So we wandered a bit through the streets of Salamanca, admired La Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells), searched and found the famous little frog (who has since become the symbol of this city) on the facade of the University of Salamanca (incidentally, the oldest university in Spain) and were of course also the two cathedrals with. In the late afternoon would still shopping enige, others only get alcohol for the evening. After all, we showed that we had learned something and held this time in our Botellón Hostel and not in the public * g *. In the evening, then went part (me included) eat Chinese - the rest amused himself with tapas. And then there was a little bar-hopping - As I recall we made 5 bars before then headed for the hostel.

Well, and on Sunday stood by a big breakfast, only the inspection of a tower on the program before I do with Andrew still a few small souvenirs lookout kept (and in the form of small Salamanca Frog Keychains some finds were) and we are finally on the way to the bus station did. To 19 clock we reached back our beloved Madrid.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

How Often Are Hiv Tests Wrong

The spin, the Spaniards ;-)

One thing first: The thread title is of course not to be taken seriously. I've just tried here, all the things collect, which are struck me in Madrid so, and which I as a German, sometimes just to shake his head in wonder. The list is of course far from complete and will certainly be extended in the course of time * * g:

  • The daily schedule is shifted, in contrast to Germany by about 2 h, what you can do best established at mealtimes . So breakfast between 8 and 10, noon's are between 14 und 16 clock and dinner is 20 clock not let go - it's very common to eat here until about 22 clock dinner. Accordingly, later go to bed and then all they want then the next morning.
  • Close anyway Fast food chains such as McDonalds and Burger King 23-24 Clock (Fri / Sat morning at 2), in a big city like Madrid not really understand (as they can - miss a lot of money - at least in the center). This shows the example of churros bars, which make early on 5 and 6 clock its biggest revenue and stick thick full.
  • Even worse, banks are open daily only from 8.30 am bis clock 14 clock. How can one do as a regular employee's bank transactions? Sure, online banking * g *. 17 Clock made tight and inserted a siesta - In addition, with the exception of the great Kaufhäuserr the shops from 14.
  • Since apartments in the very center of Madrid are scarce and expensive, but actually rented room with no windows (Jessi White sing a song about it ;-)).
  • It is not unusual to pay for a Copa (also an alcoholic mixed drink such as "Cuba Libre ") in large discotheques € 11.
  • Where we're on the Alk are: Alcoholic beverages may not by law be sold after 22 clock. If you need a helping his on man, you can confidently turn to the Chino his choice ;-).
  • For me as a salad fan, it's really hard that there are no Fertigwürzmischungen (you know, those 5-packs in flavors pepper and herbs, Italia, dill herb etc. ..) are as in Germany. Also finished dressing in the bottle is very difficult to find and the bargain sauteuer. There remains only the conventional version with vinegar and oil - in the long run a bit boring.
  • What makes me even worse (because I'm addicted) is that it hardly can buy gummy bears (highest so'n turn sour stuff with sugar), and if so, then it is also super expensive. I'm so on my first Christmas holiday stocked up with 10 bags from Germany, which made for some smile when I checked customs official.
  • Football is by far the most popular sport No. 1 (Real Madrid alone has about 70,000 members) - That is also shamelessly exploited, however, and the football fan relentlessly asked to pay. So a stadium visit is very expensive (in Madrid go off the price of a normal league game from 25 €, with FC Barcelona can be - so you get a ticket for somewhere - good wages and be happy already by 400 €). Will we see otherwise, the top games live, you have to define themselves as in Germany pay-TV. A bit is also thought of the "normal" football fan - it is on Sunday, hosting the most games, a show where switched from a major studio from possible in all stages and is the reporter live from the respective Stadiun the current gameplay . express The whole is similar to our conference call on the radio, only here just with images - but not the game itself, but only by reporters and fans in the background. Really crazy! After the games (which take place the way, not all at once, but again be distributed nicely in the evening), there's a 5 to 10 minute summary of the game. The whole program takes Clock MOREOVER 17 bis 23.50 clock - every Sunday!
  • What I feel here really into the Sa ** is that everything, absolutely everything, "eingespanischt" from the English generally. That is sometimes a really invented for commonly used English word simply a new English, may still be OK (although Städteverhunzungen at how New York really stop the fun) - but sometimes words are simply taken over 1:1 (from the spelling of her), but then just spoken in English, including all (American) brand names and proper names of persons. Thus, the largest software manufacturer in the world is pronounced just 'Miekrosoft'. Schreeeecklich ...
  • The fact that the Spaniard is a very (national) proud nation, one can also find others on the music (eg the radio). If you look at the charts here once, so there are compared with Germany, not as many international artists in the top 20, but almost exclusively English and English-singing groups. If a singer here in Spain to succeed, he must also sing his songs again in English - and only this version will be played here. Is this a Enrique Iglesias or Shakira surprising nor any further, so it surprised me a bit that Eros Ramazzotti here all his hits just sings in a English version. Even Moby's current hit is played here only in English ...
  • (almost) any response to a statement from another starts with "Si, pero ...", which is nothing other than" Yes, but ... " means. So give first always right (not to be rude), but then, still rejected then * g *. Since I am but the direct nature of the Germans a bit better ...
  • English are generally very family-conscious, or - if you would like to express's negative - "mama's boy" ;-). Thus, the parental home much later than in Germany will be cleared - it is not unusual for Spaniards living with 35 still live with their parents.
  • After a pedestrian crossing here has switched to Spain from green to red should be the start running still on the streets are pedestrian really quickly, because after do not really nenenswerten break (perhaps 1 second) has the auto traffic light turns green and the cars come close crashed. Apart from that, no cares here anyway to red (neither pedestrian nor driver (!)); red or zebra crossing does not mean this will also stop ... Nevertheless, you barely hear of any accidents.
  • If you want to here you board a bus, you should never forget this show-and-out by hand holding the oncoming bus or the driver sitting in it too. Otherwise, mercilessly drove - regardless of how many people are waiting and at what time. You learn this one but very fast times at night after 20 minutes waiting to be allowed to stand and wait 'half an hour on the next bus must ;-)...
  • The English are all crazy about the lottery. Whether this is with the Christian roots and faith in general here has to do (which is my theory), is another question - but any case, almost everyone here really play any type of lottery every week, 20 to 100 € use are not uncommon. There are even extra stores of where lottery tickets will be sold only. And it's hard to believe it, but I've already seen how earlier on Thursday and Friday queues of length and over 20 people were - incredibly ...
  • New Year was here in Madrid (especially young people) a day earlier "pre-celebrate" before. So on the evening of 30 December, exactly the same ritual - Sol was as full as a day later to the "real" New Year's Eve, just as it was counted down, swallowed the grapes and Alcohol initiated. What sense is there will have to celebrate New Year twice? I can only explain the Spaniard with notorious Partywut * g *...

Monday, January 1, 2007

Bible Phrases For House Warming

¡Próspero año nuevo!

Bin again recovered well (and thanks to the good food my mother at least 3 kg heavier ;-)) returned back to Madrid - the way only 1 day before the ETA again an attack on the airport Madrid committed. Is funny when one remembers that one recently on that very spot was ...

On 30 December came back from France Arnaud, and we wanted two of us actually take to the "Sol " a days before the actual New Year vorzufeiern at exactly the same spot before - that is so common here in Madrid. But at the meeting, it was unfortunately not - Arnaud was not in the WG in Gran Vía yet he took off his mobile phone. Later I found out what was the reason why: He was (as so many others here) the wallet in the Metro stolen, and then he was at the police station (where he had placed his phone on silent). Fully loaded with many things he had been according to his own words, an easy target for his opinion, three young offenders. Ironically, Just a few weeks, Arnaud had amused, "silly as must be one "to seek to rob here (because we had heard of several dependent's people). Now it has it himself caught - and yet he has noticed that something is wrong (until he was bumped and then fumbled someone around the back of his backpack), he has not noticed how someone from his front pocket of the pants, the purse (!) with all documents and abundant (Christmas) money went. You have to watch real here in Madrid - everyone looks for tourist is particularly vulnerable - especially when one is fully packed and from the airport or train station on the road. So I went on that evening alone on Sol, where now virtually the same state of emergency as on the next "real" New Year's Eve ruled. People squeezed into densely packed, because you had to bring quite a bit of patience to slowly push through the crowd toward the center. All streets and alleys that lead to Sol were blocked by barriers from the police, and it was only by about 1 m wide passage through it. This was a way to ensure that all people with bags and backpacks just could not sneak past them (because of possible bombs, etc. - as I said, that day there was only one early-ETA attack in Madrid). And second, could close down the police simply, in the case are that too many people on the pitch. On Sol himself, there was a lively atmosphere - persuaded the mostly young people, hips and chanted slogans from any New Year's, and even went up a cannon, after which further aufbrandete jubilation. Even television was there. But the most important are the grapes, which almost every Spaniard exactly at midnight on each stroke of 1, ie total of 12 to swallow, try (which incidentally is far from easy). The good luck for next year. Was great to have as it really was at 12, according to all counted and swallowed their grapes. Everyone then fell into his arms and popping the corks did - mind you, it was only just begun the 31.12.2006. Crazy - here are the real New Year's Eve twice * g *. Actually I wanted to meet then with Susi and Jess, but then when my phone when I said goodbye again to Gran Via was to check whether there was Arnaud now, I thought to myself - No, that do You are not yet at times, to move again by the masses on the court, without, perhaps to take the girls'. And so I went back home at a relatively early, which I love but also, at least in ways quite en was al that I was always very tired and the next day but wanted to be fit for the New Year right.

At 31 Then I met first with first Arnaud, Anna and Jacob, and an Italian couple, which now resides in New Gran Via, in their flat. Then Anja and Cuba wanted in a restaurant - with all of us, but since that night many restaurants (even McDonald's :-)) had closed or were overcrowded, we went after some But looking back to the WG, where the Italians conjured then trimmed a delicious pasta. Frisch was rested you then about half past 12 in the direction of Sol, and we were actually up yet (which I did not think). Everything was like the day before, what I had already described in detail, only this time it was just really New Year :-). We ate good eating our grapes and met with even brought along Cava and enjoyed the beautiful fireworks that shoots the city since so over our heads in the sky. Then we headed to Arnaud's brother, who was with some other French people again in his flat. Here then parted my way and the other because I wanted to go to a party of my colleagues. They had rented a bar, and after paying a small fee of 35 € ;-) (what a poor student like me, of course, is not exactly cheap) but there was at least all the drinks at the bar for free. And so it was a great party - in the small room crowded to the 80 people, and we laughed a lot, and drinking too * g *. I noticed the latest because I have breakfast at half past 7 in my night bus to sleep and wake up with the driver was somewhere where I had previously never been before. So we had to take the next bus back in the opposite direction to the starting point and then back on the metro, which then also went again to my home where I arrived at last to eighth All in all a very nice start to the new year - let's see what will follow :-).