Thursday, March 29, 2007

Artists That Paint Their Family

¡Nada más!

Or in German

well: That's it! Sorry! All too soon my time in Madrid is already over, and it goes back to Germany to finish my studies. The end was at once a huge step, after the first still says: "Oh yes there are still three months", "two", "yet" ... Mind you it's really only has the fact that accumulated in recent times, farewell parties and disappeared a few familiar faces. And as so often, one wonders: Why now? As it has settled in nicely, the work is fun, you know 'nen bunch of nice people (both at work and home) - and then to have be back in the end ... But even if it's does not want to admit it, that was really clear beforehand. Even if the internship in Madrid had just barely about my language skills quite a leap, it was just great and in hindsight is golden right decision. I can only recommend anyone to go at least once during the study period abroad. As uncomplicated's will never be possible ...

This concludes my blog then. Finally, it was considered definitely an interesting experience, and I've also tried the whole thing to follow through to the end (even if the observant reader has probably noticed that the frequency of postings were becoming increasingly rare). I think in the long run I can not do that then so what, once because I really private information in the network will not spread here, and then I lack a bit of drive. But in a few years, I'm lookin guaranteed once again rummage through a few testimonials and photos of the "good old" time :-).

In this sense, ¡Hasta luego


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Where Does The Dongle Emulator Go Cubase Sx3

"Las Fallas in Valencia

The last big trip of my stay in Spain would lead me to Valencia . Then I was looking forward for a long time, and this for two reasons. First, because it should be in place in Madrid actually Valencia my "home" for the 7-month internship (I had consciously decided between the two cities of Valencia, which was changed due to unfortunate circumstances 3 weeks before the start of the internship through my company) , and now I was so looking forward to "my" Valencia. Second, because we selected to the time (mid-March) as in any year, the "Fallas held "that apply to one of the largest and most excessive parties in Spain (this year are said to have been counted 1 million tourists !!!). For this reason, it was extremely difficult to get a room. I had already seen last November times to hostels, and despite the fact that most hostels have the Fallas excessive prices and make the condition that you put away for five days at a stretch, most were already booked. But by good luck I got to that already occupied hostel had been notified yet again 3 spaces available (and as much we needed for Jessi, Arnaud and me), and since then I have (despite Hostel for a pretty reasonable price of 30 € per night) immediately slammed shut. And it was worth something to both the hostel and the Fallas of Valencia and was insane.

I was excited about Valencia. It was not nearly as big as Madrid (3.2 million residents without the suburbs), but with about 850,000 inhabitants still a handsome (and in my eyes perfect) size for a city just because it's not quite as anonymous and hectic as in a metropolis, but still large enough so that it is a never boring. Then comes the next course in Madrid so painfully missing the beach - to where you can walk from the center of a pinch - and the generally sunnier weather and sea-shaped addition, which I already knew her from Australia, which for me just to feel part of it. You would not believe what this Mediterranean climate has an impact on the mood of people, if you have experienced it yourself. The people are just more relaxed and somehow more satisfied with life, you can search for this long out of the gray cities known hectic. What I also like stabbed in the eye were the many existing bicycle paths - cycling and I had really half the year in Madrid sorely missed. Here in Valencia we saw so many cyclists in the ever congested Downtown without equipped cycling capital of Spain, an impossibility if you did not want to put his life at risk ;-). And finally, the entire city was both the architecture and the colors her view somehow beautiful and it is so much green everywhere you look too (I'm thinking in particular of the drained bed of the river Turia who used exactly the city flowed, after a flood, but "folded" and the former river bed was turned into a huge park.

But enough of the enthusiasm back to the travel report. Arnaud and I have traveled on Friday morning on (it started at 8, I had almost missed the bus because the bekna *** te Metro took so long, but 3 minutes before departure, I finally came angehechelt yet * g *). At 12 we arrived in glorious sunshine in Valencia (a day later, so then even after Jessi). Then we went by Metro to our hostel, which was fortunately not too far away from the center (I think it 5 subway stations were). After some searching and interviewing locals, we found the hostel then. It was a hostel sublet in the conventional sense, but rather the multi-story house of a man, the individual rooms. Overall, there was 5 Rooms - some single, some double rooms. Arnaud's and my room was now nothing more special, there were 2 beds and containing 'nen cabinet - but everything we needed not to sleep, we wanted to be on the road most of the time. there's a little highlight but - so we have a walk-in terrace (2nd floor !!!), where we look out to the center of Valencia. Furthermore, all "residents" use the living room (including computers with Internet access) and the relatively large kitchen, which we unhoped terms of design possibilities opened up dinner. Arnaud conjured every day the most wonderful pasta sauces, after having him as a faithful servant of the ingredients had zurechtgeschnippelt ;-). Overall, we felt really comfortable there poodle. Pretty soon we also got to Jan - another German - a student for a year in Valencia, and his sister - only for the Fallas was there to visit - to know, and did a lot together. How it once went to the beach for compulsory Paella -Essen (since Valencia is indeed the birthplace of paella, and what was in a large pan paella served delicious - my work colleagues who I have always advised against, a paella in Madrid , of course, had something to eat from right :-)). Afterwards we walked along the harbor and even visited the newly recently finished site for the America's Cup , yes the first time this year in Europe (and have since the last Cup success Swiss not have a port, just in Valencia) - very impressive! Another day we visited the " City of Arts and Sciences " with its four architectural masterpieces (the "Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía" - a huge Opera and Music Hall, the L'Oceanographic - the biggest aquarium in Europe , the "Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe" - eingigantisches Natural History Museum, and the "L'Hemisèric - a huge 3-D cinema), the spatially not far apart, are viewed. Everything nice and mad as mentioned architecturally extravagant - a Must-See in Valencia (somehow I remembered to Sydney with his opera felt) The Botanic Garden "L'Umbracle" we did not unfortunately ..

So now the first "concept" in a few sentences (for more details please read here ), which is behind all the Fallas. Every year there build the various parts of the city huge (some more than 15 meters high and weighing several tons) structure (not only individual characters, but some real little "scenes") wood and paper mache, which are naturally painted. The construction of these sculptures will take all year, and end up costing each 'ne right of money (some € 100,000 and more). From the many "Fallas" (the name of the characters) by the mayor and the best selected award. On the last night of the Fallas, which traditionally take a week and on the night of 19th to 20 March ends, all are burned out of the most beautiful figures, in the midst of the houses in the alleys and streets of Valencia. The fire department is, as far as holding men are available, gun and hose is used for walking, but often it smaller or sometimes larger fire accidents, when flames spread to nearby buildings. In any case, is it a pagan spectacle. But this is only the hook for a week long party night and day, sleep at the real people of Valencia only 3 hours a day - otherwise is celebrated. Na and lots of parades throughout the city by people in their traditional costumes should not be missed. There's also every afternoon at 2, the so-called mascletàs - a roughly 5-minute flaring deafening firecrackers in a maybe 50 by 30 meters abgegernzten "cage" on the big Town Hall Square - and in the last 4 nights, fireworks (on the dried-out riverbed), which were longer and more spectacular every night. Both the fireworks as well as the mascletàs assured timely coming good places - at least 1 hour (preferably 1.5 hours) before you should be there to not obstruct the view from a house to have, or getting stuck in an alley outside the town hall square . Just happened to us with Arnaud, as we on Sunday (in which the penultimate Mascleta this year) got a three-quarters of an hour before the first course in the center with sweltering heat. What was there to move people - unbelievable! We tried, of course, by a small road to somehow vorzuschieben Town Hall Square, but eventually it went no further and we just stuck from there and witnessed the whole spectacle (for the way back to about 150 meters from the Metro station, we needed more than half an hour - it was not more!). And even there it is still recommended zuzuhalten the ears - it was so loud that one could think that went up as bombs, up in our street came the wobbly windows of surrounding buildings rattle of the town hall square. Somehow, the people of Valencia in this regard anyway any blemish (in a positive sense) - Jan did not mean there would be one day a year where not at least one fire station in Valencia is increasing (and if only a smaller private) - Pyrotechnics for the people there is the greatest, and the bigger, brighter and louder, the better :-).

And played our vacation there on the whole as follows: sleep until noon, then either leave from the beach relax, reflect or Valencia explore the sights and positioned everywhere Falla before going to the dinner (hmm, Pasta * g *) just went home and then went back to the city to celebrate, and that first out. That was no problem at all but super comfortable, because the temperatures were already early summer (during the day I am in spite of light winds that is shortly running around :-)), and inside anyway everything was crowded. But it was along the river so many tents and stages, and everywhere there was something going on, you do not know where to point first. Then increased to 1, usually the fireworks, and then we went really really begins, usually more was out there with tens of thousands of other Partywütigen, and early morning meant slow going home.

After 4 long days (and nights :-)) we went Tuesday morning happy and content back to Madrid. I was really thrilled by Valencia, and still got it after the event once regretted that when the internship is not just my desire city of Valencia, but has "only" worked with Madrid - from all the cool people I had met in Madrid, of course apart, but the city can not for my situation, unfortunately, keep up with Valencia: - /.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Images Of Ladies Pubies

Best Of

So here again is a small service for those who like me can not get enough of Tapas . I am now for some time here (and not for long), and I thought it was about time, finally here to once again let the whole tapas bars pass in review and the end of my personal Ranking present. Just so clear is what I mean: In the "evaluation" are the only bars where's the tapas are free to eat it.

Always worth a recommendation, because the beer is nice and cold and tastes good, is the "Museo del Jamon " . It's easy to recognize the many hams hanging from the ceiling. Of this moment I think there's six of them in Madrid - for example one in the Gran Vía and two around Sol. In addition, everything is extremely cheap - so for example, costs a caña (0.2 l beer) 75 Cent (but not always, the "Museo del Jamon" in Sol are slightly more expensive). Usually there's a little something for free, such as some diced ham or olives. The Bocadillos (hot or cold) are highly recommended - a Bocadillo de Jamon's already for 1.30 €.

If you've really hungry, you should time the "Los Amigos" pay a visit. This tapas bar is indeed something of the shot from (Calle de Ezequiel Solana 114, Metro, "Quintana" or "Ascao"), but it's there eating enough. Ca. 10-15 different, mostly fried tapas are served. And the coolest thing: you order a drink (Beer, sangria, tinto de verano, ..., a Tubo (0.3 l) costs 1.90, a Jarra (0.5 l) 3.40), and then be adjusted constantly tapas. You can not eat as fast as the Tapas always come back again - and virtually unlimited ... Incidentally. Only one bar is more the "Los enemigos" where's very tasty fries with various sauces are (unfortunately not unlimited * g *).

also covered the rich served with the drinks in the tapas in this blog has often praised "El Tigre" (Calle Infanta 30, Metro: Gran Via) from. To have two or Caña Sidra for 1,50 €'s a plate with 6 tapas with, the more you order, the better they become. From setup and the atmosphere ( Erasmus students far as the eye) ago, the "El Tigre" for me the best by far one of the bars (sorry to say, hopelessly overcrowded, who quickly agoraphobia get should the "El Tigre avoid "rather). And since even the food tastes great, it has to first place in my personal hit parade honestly deserves * g *.

What also very cool (and in the Madrid's probably among the most popular), is the Casa Pepe (Calle de la Celanova 19, Metro Barrio del Pilar " or "Valdezarza"). There they again ordered his 2 beers, and then there's' nen Teller Chicken Wings (15 pieces) to do so. Very salty, but who may Broiler, here is their money. Wen Pepe can suffer well ;-) or if you have some stuff you ordered, you can also get a few (schwabblige) pig ears placed (uhhhhh, not my thing, but just let you know and the next time there's again the delicious crispy Chicken Wings) or the world-famous ;-) patatas bravas with 2 sauces. Casa Pepe is also recommended if you want to watch football by the way, every conceivable game (with English participation, of course) is then transferred to 2 big screens.

Then there's the supposedly best tapas bar (at least for the people of Madrid) - "La esquina de Eusebio" (C / Caramuel N º 16, Metro: Puerta del Angel "). There's very cheap beer (1.20 €), and to endless tapas (there are always passed out new trays where everyone can use). These are here but "only" in sandwiches, with ham, various cheeses, fish and vegetarian items coverings. Who's like if you please - but I prefer more hot stuff. Well - there are still a notorious meat skewer - A true culinary delight. Fresh from the oven, delicious and sauheiß. The can well and like to share 3 people. However, the costs for 13 €.

And finally, something where you can go in times in passing: The Casa Labra ", next to Sol (Tetuán 12, Metro Sol) There really should all Madrid Tourist have been times. . because it is the oldest tapas bar is crowded with Madrid and since 1860 the Cana for 1 € is delicious, and famous homemade croquettes - either from potatoes (for 60 cents each) or fish (for 1 € each) Ebens. Also

Hier meine persönliche rangle:

  1. El Tigre
  2. Los Amigos
  3. Casa Pepe
  4. Museo del Jamon
  5. Casa Labra
  6. Enemies
  7. Eusebio Corner

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mario Salieri Movies Online Free

visit from home Tapas

From 21 to 26 February, I received a visit from Germany - my two pals Martin and Oli (ver) had announced its arrival. With the date we had bad luck so far, as the two the Real - Bayern game narrowly, ie only 1 day missed, which is especially for Martin as the world's largest Bayern fan ;-) was tragic, but also Oli ( the fact of the Green-Whites from Bremen holds) would have this noise not to be missed. But that did far that we had to give up a horny football game - we have it then just the local derby between Atlético and Real Madrid "taken". A crazy story from beginning to end - but that later some more. To
often take to the bottom line first: There were 5 fucking horny days where sleep came naturally a bit too short. The problem was also that I, at least on the first two days - went to work during the day to 18.30 clock still - a thunder-and Friday. Since the two had forced a bit concerned myself, but some attractions have even Madrid offers (see the article on visiting my parents ), so not great boredom came up (only the feet were burning always nice * g *). And in my lunch break, even with 1 1 / 2 hours and still not even close ;-) fails, then we have taken forever. Once directly at Santiago Bernabeu stadium (where I work) and then in the "Museo del Jamón " nice to eat lunch, and on Friday I then briefly went to my house to the two from their hostel, where she lived the first 2 days to turn neighborhoods into my room in my flat (but psst * * tell non ;-) - see my landlord that I do not think so much). And in the evening we went from bar to bar most - of course, had the 2 "El Tigre" meet with its delicious tapas, and also the "Decin" with its "drinking as much beer as you want for 1 €" offer and the "Hora Bruja Bar with cocktails for 2.50 € could not be missing. Oli has even taken the trouble to write in note form, which lacked in the days just so - I steal me now to talk sometimes brazenly (and make me non-the trouble to bring this to an ordinary German ;-)):


  • Landing at Aeropuerto Madrid
  • check in madrid mucho
  • keg
  • meeting eat in the Gran Via WG
  • tapas and drinking beer in the el tigre
  • on drinking in dublin


  • Tour Estadio Santiago Bernabeu, including museum with a lot of shit
    lunch with Matze in museo de jamón
  • have seen there we have the Torre Europa (because it I have photo of made
    opposite the Bernabeu) and the Torres Kio in the Plaza de Castilla (the two
    oblique things from Japan)
  • tour: Plaza de Espana (the statue shows the way, Don Quixote), Senate,
    Palacio Real and Opus Dei Church, Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol and back to
    mucho madrid
  • evening back to the Gran Via WG, then 1 € beer drinking in de
    cine further
    drink in the Erasmus Bar ('m not sure how the name was, I think
    Witching Hour, so bruja hora)


  • until noon at the Puerta del Angel abgegammelt, then what is eaten
  • then Matze, from there to the shopping center on the former station Principe
    Pio and feet rested
  • bullring (Plaza de Toros Monumental de las Ventas)
  • observation tower (Faro de Moncloa) there was still such a right bend with a
    Quadriga it: Arco de la Victoria
  • Matzes work before then taken to a drunk and then got out in Legazpi
    and somewhere there, the hottest meat ever eaten
  • From there to Sol and do not ask me where Aurelio and the other nose with
    me gone, as the shed was where we were I know not


  • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
  • After briefly Atocha (the station with the greenhouse in it and the 2003
    was played)
  • Then to the Estadio Vincent Calderon, on the road at the Puerta de Toledo by
    (there was another triumphal arch)
  • Then somehow seen as purely a stunt and after Matzes real wicked soccer game
  • In end Matze front of the TV in the evening can


  • lick wounds (at least Matze)
  • flea market, not a plan which was
  • tapas for free in Los Amigo
  • Parque del Retiro, with the lake and the Monument for the 192 stroke deaths
  • Museo del Prado, but not purely because heap operation
  • Plaza de Cibeles (Real Party Fountain: Fuente de la Cibeles)
  • from there yet to Torres de Colón (Columbus towers)
  • seen then Soak the Dubliners to the cookie, but really get off to Matze
  • clothes, then to the airport and away

to 3 things I want to explain something. On the one had dinner with my colleagues on Friday night, which had been planned for some time and for the slightly more fuel-money from a trip just before Christmas, the annual business meeting in Dénia should be carved on the plaster. When the Spaniards, it is not unusual to go on it that at such a restaurant-visit even loose 50 € per person - food can be fine one is already happy to cost something. Unfortunately (or fortunately in retrospect :-)) which was just exactly the Friday on which Schröti and Oli were there. First we had, in fact about what the two could do in the meantime, but after a couple of weekend beer (which we treat ourselves fairly regularly on Friday) with my colleagues we had come so far, that Martin and Oli "shopping" for each 15 € to have ;-). Ultimately, it was even completely free, as we dine and drink without end despite not spending more than the existing petrol money. And what was that for a meal - with all the trimmings and typical, especially English. Only several appetizers such as ham, sausage and cheese, each of which was on a plate and of course served with fresh baguette. And then the main course - a mad bull-except of beef, crispy, the inside still bloody-pink, slightly sweet and so tender - so good Piece of meat I've eaten my life yet. Then of course we went even further with all kinds of desserts, but I could already barely - was about to burst. And this all the time Beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks - we were all quite good about it after that as per the direction of Metro Sol, in a disco bar was where I had a very nice evening ;-).. .

The highlight of the next day was without doubt the football game between Atletico and Real Madrid. But since I have yet to go back a little further, schließslich it was a non-member or the corresponding small change next to impossible in this game (which here in the sense of scale before the Real-Bayern game ranked), live in the stadium to be there. In normal presale tickets were in any event be given only to Atlético members and season ticket holders. I had therefore been parallel to the Bayern game also second-hand tickets for this match trying to purchase tickets - but the prices were moving here in astronomical regions. So we finally decided, unsert luck right before kick-off around the stadium to try - and if we should get hold of cards, watch the game at home watching television. We then turned off at 9 our laps around the "Estadio Vicente Calderón " and "can chat up" to us by various people, and after initially 150 € per card, we found just before kick-off two customers of us ticked their 3 Abonos for 220 €. They thought we should just put into the first row. The whole thing seemed more or (more likely) less legal - especially since the scanning of tickets for the first several times did not work and discussed the two types with the usher (we always "on the go" if they should try to run away with the money) - no matter finally we were there. Inside was all pickepackefull - all seats were occupied, and in addition many more people who were near the front of the grandstands, we asked ourselves the same with this. So a madness (and that is to really take literally) Atmosphere I've ever experienced. The people from were like animals, Real was booed at every ball contact, and every (alleged wrong decision) against Atlético jumped the stadium (from the 3 year old tot up to 80 years old grandma) that roared, showed the finger, etc ... :-). And then the most flagrant: When in the 12th Minutes actually fell for the 1-0 Atlético, danced, danced and hugged each other until all wildly. But suddenly came behind us so about 15 - 20 people "rolled" who had lost his balance and pushed the rest (including me) against a security guard (we were at the lower end of the grandstand, about 2 m above the ground ). The grid was not the pressure was, and as in a nightmare did to once a chasm in front of me and I slapped (with others), no brakes on the floor (of course I had no reaction time left, so I was unfortunately right on his face) . Then my legs were still tangled in the grate, and I was non-high - but helped me a folder then back on its feet. Of course I was totally in shock, bleeding in the face and arms and was very pale. But after a while we went again - took about 10 minutes (and a water that brought me Oli), and then we could enjoy the rest of the game elsewhere. But the knee geschlottert us have all three then very beautiful - something like that nowadays in Europe is still possible, we would not have thought of. The security has been ensured in any case (I still had good fortune, another customer has broken his arm). And that was lewd - then was stretched at the accident site just a cord and then ham there actually reassembled the masses. Well, at least I did after that pretty much everything hurt and I had to wash first and doctoring. Nevertheless, the game will be one of the hottest of my "audience-career" go ;-).

And on Sunday, our last day together, we have actually managed, 6 hours in an Irish pub (the "Dubliners" directly to Sol) to spend. Initially planned as an intermediate stop, to allow the running of many feet a rest-stricken, we liked it then became so good that we are equal to the entire evening spent here. This was partly due to the constant live football program (zunächt the end of the English League Cup and followed this two Sunday night games in the English league), but on the other course, in the brilliant offer of an ice cubes (for cooling) and 6 bottles of beer bucket filled at a price of 10 € (up to 22 clock, then 15 €). Thus, it "destroyed" in fact that night 5 full bucket * g *. Given at the next table even celebrated a scarce Dozen crazy Irinn 30 A friend's birthday, and so was provided plenty of entertainment :-). At some point, but then was time to go, and so we went again to my house for things to get the two, still took a last meal (hmm, spaghetti :-)) to us and then we went only by night bus to Plaza de Cibeles, and then for the pair to the airport Barajas. As I said, those were just a couple of great days.