Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Alpha Kappa Alpha Community Service Ideas

family reunion trip to Salamanca in Madrid

stand One week to Salamanca then have the next event on the program - I received a visit from my family from Germany, will glad my parents and my sister Cottbus Sabine from Dresden. That was something special in the sense, as that our first holiday together since almost 10 years ago - well so slow to get in an age in which we also know that to appreciate again. Nice side effect was of course that this week got my bank account a little relaxation, because almost everything was paid for by mom and dad :-). Overall, the holiday took 6 days - from Friday evening to Thursday afternoon - for which I had also taken extra vacation, so an extensive cultural program, nothing more stood in the way :-). Each day began with breakfast together against 10 in the city (my sister, "traveled with stayed with me, and I got it accessible from my apartment, while my parents were housed in a hostel in a side street of the Gran Vía ), w ho I no extra into the description again with receiving. Let's see if I still get together, what we in the days all have never seen and experienced (I'll do it but in bullet point form, simply because it would become too long and I most had also mentioned this before in previous posts):


  • Pick up from airport , then ride on the Metro Zentrum
  • check into the hostel (and 20 € per person per night in a double room in such a central location but are not that bad)
  • in Gran Vía short Leonardo DiCaprio on the red carpet seen in one of the many cinemas there was promoting his new film
  • small tapas tour around Sol and Chueca ( Casa Labra "," Museo del Jamón "," El Tigre ")
  • Finally, a small nightcap in a small Turkish Bar



  • Rastro market
  • then running toward Atocha past the "Reina Sofia Art Museum
  • Chinese food in a restaurant
  • further in the Retiro Park the Memorial Forest of the Absent" (on the occasion of the 11 March 2004), and the drummers to the columns at the artificial lake
  • Quick Tour (2 hours) through the entire Prado


  • ride the bus to Segovia , where we include the Roman aqueduct, the cathedral and the fortress (Alcazar) visited had
  • since the tapas bar La Esquina de Eusebio "closed abruptly spaghetti dinner at my house with my roommate Juan


  • stroll along the Calle de Alcala, fed past the bull ring " Las Ventas "
  • tapas in Los amigos "
  • Metro ride to the Kio towers stroll and then along the Paseo de la Castellana to "Santiago Bernabeu" stadium ; here shortly then visit my work
  • ride back to the hostel, and while my sister went shopping a little I looked finally to my father's grandiose handball quarter-final between Germany and Spain
  • Looking for a bar called "Cardamomo" that Tuesdays are always free Nachwuchskünslern their chance under the motto "Flamenco Loco", as it later los (shortly after 12), went again a little snack in the Museo del Jamon, and then it was a top live concert by a band of young musicians in that very bar



  • Chueca again Running through the Plaza Colón
  • visit the Wax Museum
  • ride on the Metro to Moncloa to the "visit lighthouse " (tower)
  • yet a final beer at the Museo Jamon del Sol and one last time before It then went by metro to the airport

Uff, me so when I look at what we have since done so everything in 6 days which is really incredible - and it was exhausting, but also super nice.


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