Saturday, October 25, 2008

Candida Albicans Espanol

Burning Down the House

before yesterday, one fellow told me, actually I could but I appreciate all the incidents in my house, they would finally show that I would live in a big city. Actually, you want it yet!

Just me is once again shown how it is an exciting area to live: In front of my house are three large fire trucks, which have awakened me with their arrival at approximately 2:00. After I had looked at the spectacle on the street, I decided to look twice in the hallway and found that one hardly the thick smoke screen can be broadcast. So I went down, find me a very nice fireman has declared that there was a fire in the room with the trash cans admit that this will just be deleted. Unfortunately, there had been a huge smoke and the smoke while they were fighting. How do you want, I'm still somewhat a mystery, since there is no single window in the stairwell is that one could open. I was reassured, however, I could go back to my apartment and should make only the door. Of sleep can not think of anyway, since the vehicles hold a hellish noise. Your house is on fire, but do not worry.

This is not the first nocturnal sleep disturbance, only the other day someone has shaken the middle of the night at the newly established framework and rumgebrüllt. The fights I do not count.
This unique city is feeling is somewhat clouded by the Geneva nightlife, which is comparable to something like that of Darmstadt. Although I am not yet sure whether the good old Darmstadt has to offer not more. Especially since there homes explode ...
I must say, I like to take any boredom and philistinism in each purchase, if I would give the more peaceful nights.

Meanwhile, the situation seems to have calmed down, just as the last vehicle is driven away. I give my life so nice in the hands of the fireman, who is now no longer there to save me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cineplex Odeonadmission Price

Home Search

Somehow it is something else to report on the Erasmus semester / year to as an actual ("real" at this point any serious Erasmus students would insult) blogging study abroad. I have often in recent weeks have pointed out that I lead a fun student life ... Time, I need TIME! Nevertheless, here at last at least a brief interim report:

My housing situation has through the visit of the previous tenant, the ultimate coronation. My mother was visiting in the evening and I invited to your birthday party. At 23:00 clock, I got a call from my mother resolved that told me that someone trying to get into my apartment. After I had called the police, I immediately went home, the police had already been there, the visitor disappeared before the police arrived. The next day we learned that they are the previous tenant, who is not only homeless and addicted to drugs, but also harbors a certain nostalgia for his old apartment ...
a move seems currently not cope with, especially given the fact that it is almost impossible, an acceptable and affordable to find accommodation. However, I have a new, very massive castle, so that I have stacked no more stool in front of my door.

As for the university, I, like almost all of my fellow students, so resigned, that the weekly workload is not simply to cope. So far I have not been inundated with good grades, which is probably normal. Extent to which a climate of extreme intimidation (some of my fellow students actually dare not leave essays, by falling out of fear) is to be motivating, I have not yet fully understood. A student from the third term but has told me that it would all better after the first semester. Eyes and go.

Except dilapidated homes so I have not seen much of Geneva and region, which will change probably not as fast really. Who plays with the idea to visit me, must inform themselves about the sights.

After all, have I ever eaten cheese fondue. I really understand why they have given me so still without residence permits, where I am trying to integrate it seriously.