Monday, March 7, 2011

Pokemon Mediafire

Building Committee meeting on 2 March 2011

After the opening and presentation of the minutes by the Chairman introduced Michelle Payer the "Regional Programme Pinzgau" from where it is important to look to the future and to report on possible projects in the community. Reported and selected projects will be pre-negotiated fee and in a kind of pre-approved. This can save on the actual implementation of such a project a lot of time and money for the community and for the applicant. The community of Maria Alm is surely some care in selecting and submitting projects.

Dr. Florian Zückert wants to Hinterthal an agricultural or forestry operation based . Since the operation because of its smallness can be difficult to not be economically viable is the question of whether a permit to question. A decision could not be made.

Lohningfeld land protection: the development plan of the basic level is unanimously recommended for approval by the General Assembly. Currently there are 3 fixed and 4 more promising candidates for the land. More and more it turns out, that has set the OVP Maria Alm with the bold step to secure land in Maria Alm locals for the right wheels in motion. Equally valuable is that the current municipal council continues this path and make sure to be a positive financial statements.

The Zoning the basic "Gasteg II the GV unanimously recommended for approval. In the detailed discussion is about any requirements regarding the development plan of roof and exterior paints.

Ing Georg aphid Foundation: request for amendment of the zoning plan in Hintermoos. There are 4 possible places on the building for the realization of a large company provided accommodation in Hintermoos. The Building Committee is of the opinion that for the time being here should not carry out further work, as long as the legal future of Privatstiftung is not fully understood.

Under "Any other " specifies the fractions Hans Seifert more information on the planned road rebuilding village 8 before and asked for advice on the boards.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fm By Brigham & Houston Mcqs

Petition collection boxes

The petition is going well. But we will continue to give full throttle and so we can help you to collect something, are now at various places in the city, plain-petition collection boxes'. Just here print a sheet, fill it with signatures and the next shopping trip or throw out.

The boxes can be found at:

A huge thank you to this point to these addresses!
photos of this, post boxes' will find it on our Facebook profile .

to go!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Samples Of Programs For Church

see Zierke, Neustrelitz

still frozen. will go black

Friday, February 25, 2011

Paintings Of Woman Dancing

A sensational call

two posts below this one, does anyone have a link inserted as comments, which leads to a column in the St. Galler Tagblatt. In it, a certain Leandro Borasio talks about the Kugl and calls to sign file. For us, this report should not disappear in a comment, but here get the attention they deserve.

Many thanks to Leandro Borasio for this ironic and witty column, and of course for the great support! read

the report are online HERE .

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Are Zulu Huts Built

calls extension of the appeal period

As you've probably taken from the media, is an extension of the appeal period for The planning application of Kugl been asked. The period now runs until the end of February.
It is important to keep a cool head and hope that the neighbor can accept this alternative.

the report in the daily paper find their HERE!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Milena Velba Sculpting

What a day! (This place, the petition sheets)

What a week! Around 2,000 people have now put their signatures to the first milestone in the fight against the closure of the Kugl and for more youth culture. In a peaceful atmosphere (and in perfect weather), we have shown how much we value our culture. But not only the youth presented itself in a positive light, amazingly many people from older generations were consciously and unconsciously the way to Vadian and were extremely interested in our lifestyle.
A big thank you to young and old for coming and your signature!

But still is not done. The petition runs until April 15, 2011, and until then collected and collected. This sign also your family, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc., we want the petition here to bow to print.

Instructions: - Click on image (to be published new page)
- Right Click -> Graphics / Image Save
- Open graphic / image and print

All other information can be found on the petition sheet.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wet Just Before Period

Attention now rolls the Kugl!

We look forward , you on Saturday to show solidarity event for Kugler, where is the petition, the right to culture launched 'to take. exceed the number of commitments by far our idea . In addition, the weather played along and we invite you to spend at punch, cake and hot dog a little time under the gaze of the Vadian to place a sign with our presence.
As is known, we will have to make between 13.00 und 17.00 Vadian the clock at the well and collect signatures. The biggest mob we expect between 13.30 und 15.00 clock. Plain text has been heard of some people about it informed that things tinkered and posters were painted. It will be interesting to see what all is available!
We, all supporters of Kugler and youth culture are on track to make the city our interests well.
Let us revive the market place on Saturday on our way!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before Period Clear Fluid

police are not given music license

Kugl This is good music for everyone. That medium, that different groups merges. Therefore wanted to clear text on the following Saturday the event failed in music today. With local live acts of action should be to give even more expression and a pleasant atmosphere with DJ's to be created.
Once we were not granted the authorization to music and oral reasons, we wrote a written complaint to reconsider the request, not allowing music again. There was a letter in which we - which was not already granted permission confirmed - again with exactly the same arguments as the phone.
criticized following points clear text to this decision (excerpts from the complaint to the police):

'It is strange to our organization that an artist in St. Gallen gets the award for a cultural event, one hour' to make noise '- ie conscious acoustic boundary crossing - and an action that to the conservation of cultural property - the KUGL - uses, any use is prohibited by acoustic aids. We find it important that is supported in a busy city youth in the sense that they get the opportunity to unfold, what is possible with our planned action. It would also be a good sign of a liberal and tolerant City adolescents and young adults, working for their interests.

also is to give our opinion, problematic, a Christian Camp the authorization to set up a stage at the exact same place and active to make music, out on that day, relatively few people - apart from the participants the camp itself - the musical actually attended. With us, a young and wide audience is expected. "

It is clear that restrictions must be made by the police to local residents and traders from noise overload to protect. However, we feel it is wrong, the city's own youth here to advance the bolt. The police called to the reasons the 'präjudizialen character' which would allow the music to other clubs. This is not realistic. Especially since we are a Kugl of independent action and in no way comes to advertise. Not to mention that if one knows the whole history, should expect that there should also be shown by the police a bit of flair. The aspect that one should not forget that the Kugl have a commercial background would be omitted.

is once again shown that the view of the city, the Kugl purely commercial in nature. In addition, a youth who wants to work for their culture from the beginning to be off their hands tied. But now we show that we reach with stones in the way of our goal.

Cheat For Funbrain Planetyary Pinball

supports the music scene plaintext

Our support sound office posted a report on the subject. In addition, they support us with a banner on her blog. Thank you for that.

Read the report on

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Helpful Tips For Cystitus

Mariaberg the gates

With regret took plaintext aware that the restaurant Maria Berg Rorschach close. The landlord wants nurnoch with 85 decibels music. This is too quiet for the concerts and events. The Continuation is therefore not possible. Other reasons also play a role, so we decided to close the local culture.
are 20 minutes online, the report for further closing of a restaurant in eastern Switzerland, the heading 'death culture'. Fits!

is the whole report in the 20 min it HERE and the report in the daily paper HERE.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Barasoain Church-history

Such people includes needs St.Gallen

this great letter to the editor on 10 gabs June 2010 in the daily paper. Thumbs up for Mr. and Mrs. Gotti-Gies!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Post Cataract Dry Eyes

Esik Tacheles

With 'If Üsi Chugle Rolls' was Khaled Aissaoui aka Esik the first strong sign of the Kugl. Materially and socially critical describes the rapper and DJ, the current state of culture. In KLARTEXT he talks tough, but unfortunately true words.

KT: Esik what connects you personally with the Kugl?

E: I regularly visit the Kugl existed for it, and I also experienced a lot of live concerts and parties! In addition, I have from the beginning laid there and had gigs as a rapper. For years I was once a month on Sunday evening with the live band of
Gee-K as scratch DJ on stage. I have already organized themselves parties and concerts in Kugl.

What would be missed in St.Gallen, when the Kugl no longer exists?

The Kugl is for the city an additional cultural activities. In my youth there was only the grave hall, so we had no choice! The young people of our city desperately need opportunities to go out to
. But for all the music makers of the region, the closure of the Kugl a sad event would be, of course, would be a lost opportunity to perform. In addition, many operators would lose a location, and thus would have less youth-oriented concerts and parties held in St.Gallen.

You rap in the song 'American culture anschienend ohni subsidies en huere shit'. Do you play here important that the city is the Kugl 'only' regarded as a limited company with a commercial background, and therefore only sparsely offering help?

What sparse for help? No help! Yeah I meant it, and of course that other clubs get tons of subsidies, and only work for it. But then when someone dares to make something of his own on his feet, it is then ripped from the city and then abandoned ...

plain text says that it is time for the young, which is represented by various parties more and more as a problem, a face must be given. What you see in this Face? Enjoy hip-hop? Tendency to binge-drinking?

Well, first I see our future! For the young people of today are the adults of tomorrow! Hip-Hop is of course very common, and alcohol anyway ... and young people must make their own experiences with alcohol, and find a healthy attitude towards it. This process we have all been through! The youth as a problem represent is a nerve! You have to offer the youth perspective, and there is the closure of the Kugl certainly the wrong message!

What about your prognosis on peaceful resistance to the street? If many people recognize the seriousness of the situation and on 12 Vadian February to come?

The seriousness of the current situation is certainly aware of all. I think there will congregate incredible number of people. I come by naturally, and take up with my girlfriend and try to get as many people to animate and also to sign ... the Kugl must continue to roll ...

Thank you for your honest statement.

course there still the video for the song 'If Üsi Chugle Scrolls':

Wella Colour Chart For Free

CLEAR TEXT in the daily paper

her HERE!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Wire A Subwoofer At Home

speaks report in the 20 minutes

Neon Pink Web Backgrounds

CLEAR TEXT in the media

we as this morning a press release on the petition against the closure of Kugler and for the right to culture sent, it was not long until the first telephone calls were received for interviews and photo shoots. Blick am Abend reported today in a brief statement about it (see below). There follows a report in the morning 20 min and a somewhat more detailed also reporting it tomorrow in the daily paper.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Old Man Wedding Dance Mount And Blade

launch of the petition 'The right to culture 'on 12 February 2011

St.Gallerinnen and St. Gallen,

The upcoming KUGL-closure has had repercussions, and made a whole generation in a sore point. An incredible number of adherents of the Facebook group exceeds 'against the closure of Kugl' protest songs by local musicians and of course a lack of understanding that the data generation far found in recent weeks and months, space in the media.

But the generation are really committed in 2011 in this case the hands? With the constant search for and conviction of the guilty, the resistance forget we can make. A reasonable, non-violent counterpoint to a city council, who looks on seemingly helplessly how we are somewhat taken what is our culture.

St.Gallerfest nurnoch until 01:00 clock, reduced opening times for Kugl what comes next? Music at the open air nurnoch until midnight? Not with us! It is now for our youth culture is a character set. One should not be able to claim that the only thing we can still be a 'Like mir' button press to stand up for something.
why we are launching on 12 February from 13.00 bis 17.00 clock clock the petition 'The right to culture' at your feet the Vadian. With your coming and your signature, you not only support the fight for a continuation of the KUGL but also the struggle for greater youth culture in St.Gallen!

we show in town with a huge parade that culture consists not only of literature, painting and theater but a large part of a youth who is not afraid to show her face!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Brent Corrigan 2011 Stream

New Year Perchtenlauf

The traditional Perchtenlauf in Maria Alm was again very well attended. Many remarkable Perchten drove again to mischief through the streets of Maria Alm Thanks to the many volunteer forces to make this great event on the legs.