Friday, February 4, 2011

Post Cataract Dry Eyes

Esik Tacheles

With 'If Üsi Chugle Rolls' was Khaled Aissaoui aka Esik the first strong sign of the Kugl. Materially and socially critical describes the rapper and DJ, the current state of culture. In KLARTEXT he talks tough, but unfortunately true words.

KT: Esik what connects you personally with the Kugl?

E: I regularly visit the Kugl existed for it, and I also experienced a lot of live concerts and parties! In addition, I have from the beginning laid there and had gigs as a rapper. For years I was once a month on Sunday evening with the live band of
Gee-K as scratch DJ on stage. I have already organized themselves parties and concerts in Kugl.

What would be missed in St.Gallen, when the Kugl no longer exists?

The Kugl is for the city an additional cultural activities. In my youth there was only the grave hall, so we had no choice! The young people of our city desperately need opportunities to go out to
. But for all the music makers of the region, the closure of the Kugl a sad event would be, of course, would be a lost opportunity to perform. In addition, many operators would lose a location, and thus would have less youth-oriented concerts and parties held in St.Gallen.

You rap in the song 'American culture anschienend ohni subsidies en huere shit'. Do you play here important that the city is the Kugl 'only' regarded as a limited company with a commercial background, and therefore only sparsely offering help?

What sparse for help? No help! Yeah I meant it, and of course that other clubs get tons of subsidies, and only work for it. But then when someone dares to make something of his own on his feet, it is then ripped from the city and then abandoned ...

plain text says that it is time for the young, which is represented by various parties more and more as a problem, a face must be given. What you see in this Face? Enjoy hip-hop? Tendency to binge-drinking?

Well, first I see our future! For the young people of today are the adults of tomorrow! Hip-Hop is of course very common, and alcohol anyway ... and young people must make their own experiences with alcohol, and find a healthy attitude towards it. This process we have all been through! The youth as a problem represent is a nerve! You have to offer the youth perspective, and there is the closure of the Kugl certainly the wrong message!

What about your prognosis on peaceful resistance to the street? If many people recognize the seriousness of the situation and on 12 Vadian February to come?

The seriousness of the current situation is certainly aware of all. I think there will congregate incredible number of people. I come by naturally, and take up with my girlfriend and try to get as many people to animate and also to sign ... the Kugl must continue to roll ...

Thank you for your honest statement.

course there still the video for the song 'If Üsi Chugle Scrolls':


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