Monday, December 11, 2006

Blood Coming Out Of My Cat's Ear

Barcelona then, was the first stop of my trip. I had quite a few adventure stories about Barcelona and the Catalans and their very strong national pride is one that will culminate in outright hatred of such people from Madrid. Indeed, as the English capital throughout Catalonia not marked * g * - and all signs and names of stores are in Catalan (and only if you are lucky, also in English) written. This, however, as I later explained Jorge from Zaragoza to do less with exaggerated national pride of the Catalans themselves, but with arrangements of the Catalan government. namely, as shop owners If your business only in English (and not in Catalan) name (even if they themselves do not speak Catalan or so have nothing at the hat), there's' ne hefty fine. An incredible in my eyes arrangements in times of a united Europe. How absurd is it, you realize, even if in the shops just not Catalan, but "just normal" English is spoken.

We started Friday night and arrived early Saturday morning to 5 in Barcelona (Sants Station) at. Since it was far too early, of course, to start any businesses (you could still see occasional revelers from the night before, and not even the cafes at the station were open), we are in the waiting area again für'n hour upon's ear down to us by a security guard in a friendly but firm tone pointed out here not to sleep, as many "bad people" go his own, which would have except for our luggage. After a coffee to strengthen it went straight towards "Camp Nou" stadium - we wanted to, finally, tickets for the game of the year on the following Tuesday between the FC Barcelona secure and SV Werder Bremen - by all or nothing (in fact, for a place in the next round of the UEFA Champions League ) went. Although I'd already tried everything possible to get hold of tickets, but somehow, all efforts so far have failed. The Werder quota was used up at FC Barcelona as a non-member could only buy the tickets directly on the ground and a windy ebay seller was then not yet his word to get me tickets. 1 card I could get from a nice girl on Werder ticket exchange, but I wanted to stop sit together with Jakob. So we arrived early at 9 at the stadium - and when we do not send a neverending victory lap had turned around the entire stadium, we met at last on a Barca-member that was on the road for tickets too, and we tacked us on his heels and finally the ticket counter were inside the stadium grounds. And after another half hour wait we finally had our tickets in hand - 61 € per ticket (prices ranged from 50 € to 140 €, with the cheapest category was already sold out) not exactly cheap, but we were happy and facilitated. Then we went to check in to the hostel - the Centric Point Hostel , which can only be strongly recommended because of its great central location, a great big community space, and multilingual, friendly staff. Having our stuff in our 10-person apartment, which we shared with almost only girls (from Canada and the U.S.), had stopped, we continued with sightseeing. We were of course all the tourist must-sees such as the Placa de Catalunya , the Gothic quarter with with cathedral, the promenade of La Rambla with the Columbus statue and the harbor. Architecturally Madrid Barcelona is superior to some, and so everything seems a little international (Sometimes there is more English than English and German is one :-)) and friendly than in the English capital. Another issue that was Barcelona anyway because of the great weather (we had the 4 days each around 20 ° C and mostly blue skies and sunshine) liked him on sight. And a beach in the city has a special treat - then came right back on a bit of sadness that it did not work with my internship in Valencia. Evening were James and I parted ways. (Which incidentally should have been pretty cool) As he went with a buddy to a concert by The Roots , I decided to Pacha's - a Nobel nightclub, in which I thanks to our hostel for 5 instead of purely usually 20 € admission was (and in addition we were still free hinchauffiert bus :-)). Had my range is just before the departure of a group of Frenchmen who had come only for this weekend to celebrate after Barcelona, and had a long, long night of partying.

Sunday and I overslept Jakob course breakfast, and then when we finally by 2 (afternoon) were ready to do something, we decided a quiet afternoon in the park shows - which also includes the Barcelona Zoo - and the close to spend at local beach again perfect weather. Evening was watching a DVD then announced in the hostel.

Monday Finally, we took another must-see before in Barcelona - the Park Güell, which was created by Antoni Gaudi . This living in Barcelona and is acting artist - what a surprise - there is very revered and many of his own and built in typical style buildings are found precisely in that park because the park is on a hill on the outskirts of the city, also gives a beautiful and impressive views over Barcelona. On the way back to the hostel we were still the famous church of Sagrada Familia "- from the more than 1000 years in ever-changing styles (on) built is - and other buildings by Gaudí on. That day was also felt quite clearly the rising anticipation for the game of the year next week, we saw everywhere already green-white-clad Werder fans walking around ... In the evening we met up with Dinah, I on the Hospitality Club know had learned. Overnight accommodation was not possible, but at least one meeting was then still in it. We staggered to an African restaurant where you got for 5 € a really good food (rice with chicken, beef or fish) - a secret that I had received in turn from another Hospitality Club member. We had a total of 3 enjoyable hours together, ate and talked then we went a bit Barcelona at night, meaning we walked through some streets - before we again adopted.

And Tuesday was the big day finally arrived. We were still considered us to look at the Olympic site. Since there should be according to information from a hostel staff member to see not so much (which coincided with my experience from Sydney), we ultimately rejected the plan and went again into the familiar La Ciutadella Park, just to have a couple of times sun and recite to us spiritually and morally to prepare in an what should come to us because there tonight ;-). On the way, we bought ingredients to prepare a typical ham and cheese Bocadillo that we wanted tonight to take to the stadium (and did) and what is here at half-time is like butter on bread. Around 3 we went then to the direction of Placa Reial, where, according to information from Julia , the Werder-girl that I had bought almost a card, should meet all the Werder fans - and was so. The entire place (which is actually a large courtyard, surrounded by 4 large houses is so) dipped was in a green-white sea of Werder's supporters, who enjoyed strong (and beer drinking), but all very peaceful. When then went around 17.30 clock more and more fans towards the stadium, and we strolled - still time to the hostel, and then finally to the "Camp Nou". But more on that next post.


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