Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ev Nova 1.0.10 License

day trip to El Escorial

For the past by weekend was part of the weather report again bombastic weather with temperatures around 20 ° C has been announced, so I would definitely again to make something "out there", so something about it in the winter due to cold or bad weather not as much fun. This would I also get up early and was absolutely necessary even willing to sacrifice a little party in the evening - but without a party's was not natural. Friday's evening went with several people from the famous Gran Vía flat in the direction Malasa ña, where we were first hanging in a bar, where it's relatively inexpensive Mojito was. Also a round of tequila was a must of course not (although I already know, at the sight of the stuff 'nen gag get - but sometimes you have to bow to peer pressure containing ;-)). Then we landed in irgend'ner cool rock pub - no idea where or how was the shed - but as you can see in the pictures, we have a lot of fun had.

Somehow I got it but then actually managed to wake up a few hours later the next morning and reasonably on time (just 'ne less than half an hour late * g *) at the station
Atocha (here was the way the main goal of the terrorist attacks in just over 3 years to be), where we had arranged to meet with Constantine. The train ticket was amazingly cheap (there and back for about 5 €) - and so we went as planned 10:30 on towards El Escorial , where we arrived an hour later. After the obligatory "Café con leche" (coffee with milk) to strengthen we set out on foot (also weltbreühmt for El Escorial) to our actual main goal of the San Lorenzo el Real - a huge castle and monastery from the time of the Renaissance. After a half-hour march through the adjacent Castle Park, we finally reached the former monastery - one of size alone iconic building (not for nothing that referred to in Spain as the 8th wonder of the world). Constantin and I then visited the parts of the palace, which were freely available (this was, for example the library). But the nearly 10 € entrance for visiting any porcelain, furniture, carpets and paintings we have given to us - we are not so artistically inspired both.

was now's also a time to eat something - and since we all that stuff in the bars was too expensive, we decided abruptly to make a hearty snack English * g *. So we bought in a supermarket 2 fresh baguettes, ham, cheese and olives, and made ourselves comfortable on a bench in a small park. There we have it is in all the rest of our sandwiches and watched while eating a few Spaniards, while gambling on a football field.

About one hour later we made our way to the climax (at least for me) of the day - de
m Cruz del Valle de los Caídos (National Monument of the Holy Cross in the Valley of the Fallen). This is a huge memorial to honor the dead of the English Civil War and including the tomb of the English dictator Franco . The monument was erected in 1940 of 20,000 political prisoners against a prospect asked prison time reduction.
The problem was: How reaching there? The complex is in fact a few miles outside of El Escorial on a hill. First, we could even up to the foot of the hill - the day with a goal similar to a barracks entrance and of course had also asked for cash was - take the bus. Normally you would now take a cable car can, but the course did not go. That was either a car or had to rely on the last 6 km run to the summit. We decided, logically, for the latter - but kept the foresight to get out now and our fingers crossed to make one on hitchhikers. And indeed, after several cars were rushed past us, but actually was a nice couple from Barcelona who took with us to the top (and on the way back the last piece also took down again).
Well there we were finally here - and I was impressed. The entire monument consists of a sculptured in the rock church (which is supposedly the longest in the world) and a huge parade ground in front. This is also still used frequently by supporters of the English rights for parades. Most impressive, however, is a 150 m (!) High and 40 m (!) Wide concrete cross, which is located above the church on the hill top and can be widely seen. It is interesting to see how different the handling of the past - in Spain took place in contrast to Germany, no account of the history, the transition to democracy was more fluent. Thus we find not a sign in the entire system over the crimes of the Franco era - in fact, sometimes even in public show visitors their sympathy with Franco and the previous regime and posing proudly inconceivable in Germany - before any inscriptions.
After we had everything looked at, we went back down the mountain (this time mostly on foot, and the last piece again with the friendly couple from Barcelona by car). Since we had missed the bus level and should be a good half an hour later our train ride back to Madrid, we tried our luck again hitch - and this time it did not last long, and a nice couple took us and brought us eventually to to the station. Back in Madrid, I really wanted to evening to go with Jessica, Molly, Peter and Constantine in irgend'nen Club. But because I so badly from the day and the week before, was the next Day would again use the nice weather and it also should go back to the first 12-1 clock, I decided to stay at home and sometimes catch a little sleep ...


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